Sunday, March 4, 2012

Offering Emergency Preparedness Classes

I am so sorry about my lack of blogging!  I have been busy trying to take care of my health, which I shall update on a different blog post.  Jason and I also just gave a S.P.I.C.E. testimonial talk at the 11th Annual Steubenville FertilityCare Center Creighton Model Seminar Day.

Jason is offering a FREE set of classes for anyone who lives in our local area.  He is open to giving a second set of classes if there seems to be enough interest for people that already have Thursday night commitments.  Just let us know and we'll try to plan something for later this spring....Jason was thinking that maybe one four hour class would work?

The information is as follows:
Classes will be held at The UPS Store-Steubenville from 7pm-8pm

March 8th: Emergency Preparedness (Bug out Bags, etc)
March 15th: Emergency First Aid and Evaluating a Casualty
(Break for a Family Wedding and Holy Week)
April 12th: Emergency Power, Food and Water
April 19th: Security, Misc. Topics and Your

Hope to see some of you there!

I also pray that you are having a blessed Lent!

Wishing you the sweet feeling of security,
